
No matter what you choose, and what you do, you will have an impact upon the world. Do you wish to be a criminal, or a savior? That is up to you.

Choose between 15 distinct classes:

Warrior: A well balanced with a focus on strength. Made to do any quests.

Doctor: Healers that can heal the sickness across each nation, yet are weak on their own.

Thief: Shopkeepers never sell to them, with their moves constantly under watch. Going to The Prison, is the least of the thief’s worries.

Hunter: They live for the hunt and the slaughter. They can be found to get good pay from hunting rare beasts.

Rune Master: The old and intelligent beings that can read cosmic words.

Summoner: They can summon creatures to protect themselves. Hated by most, they are targeted for creating abominations upon the world.

Ice Spearmen: Fishermen who fish whenever they can find any remaining, clean water.

Investigator: A detective that can use guns, talk to enemies when able, and can take on cases for others. If you are cunning enough, some will join you by speech alone.

Priest: The Gods need priests to spread their holy words, teaching them holy magic.

Brute: A Warrior that has no honor, fierce in the wild, yet cannot live among civilization.

Storm Evoker: The Forbidden one was one of these, a being that can control the storms. The outcasts worship Evokers, others fear them.

Fowler: Flying beasts that can travel to any place they please, but are hunted.

Fire Elemental: Due to the Great War, The Flame has made all Fire Elemental to be worshiped and adored. Yet not all feel the same way.

The Slime: A mistake not meant to live. An experiment to remove all bones so you can no longer be injured and stronger in battle, it comes with a downside. Your body is made out of a liquid mush that is weak to everything. Only those who wish for pain choose the slime

The Blameless: One who is random with their speech, and their spells. They cannot be blamed for their actions, as every time they open their mouths, it is unknown what will come out. Beasts of the Umbra Fields attack them last, knowing their randomness can be beneficial.

Whatever you become, you shall be the prey of others from man to beast. Master who you are and what you will become to manage your stamina, hit weaknesses, stun enemies, and kill to survive. Do quests to get stronger, to learn more to use more magics and skills.

The Flame: A land of The Flame, an active volcano where Fire Elementals are born.

The Land of the Sea: A land once known for it’s Ice, it has become melted to be a grand Sea.

The Gaea Forrest: The last of nature, all connected to the goddess Gaea.

Angelic Constabulary: A land for the last of the an holy order that wants to maintain law.

The Prison: Those who break the law are sent to the Prison to rot, while it’s controlled by a Mafia.

Lich Fields: Sky islands full of the rot and sickness where Wizards and Summoners roam free.

Pig Nation: A nation isolated from the rest after The Great War, run by the pigs who have no God.

No Man’s Land: The only thing that connects the nations together, only the outcasts live here and the beasts roam free.

    • 需要 64 位处理器和操作系统
    • 操作系统 *: Windows 7 64 bit
    • 处理器: i3-2130
    • 内存: 8 GB RAM
    • 显卡: 融合的
    • 存储空间: 需要 742 MB 可用空间
    • 推荐配置:
    • 需要 64 位处理器和操作系统
    • 操作系统: Windows 11 64 bit
    • 处理器: Ryzen 3 4300G
    • 内存: 8 GB RAM
    • 显卡: Radeon 显卡
    • 存储空间: 需要 742 MB 可用空间
    • * 2024 年 1 月 1 日(PT)起,Steam 客户端将仅支持 Windows 10 及更新版本。


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