
All the guests are being murdered — horribly! — at this extravagant masquerade party set all across the sprawling and bizarre Sexy Brutale casino mansion.
Then at midnight, the clock re-winds and the grisly pantomime all plays out again in exactly the same way.

You awake on the floor of one of the rooms wearing a mask with a bloody handprint across it. It protects you from the worst of the evil that lays across the mansion, but you can only watch, and spy, and try to learn each guest’s secrets so you can save them from their bloody fate.

10 unique and grisly murder scenarios
– Witness evisceration by arachnid! (highly creepy!)
– Observe expiration via immolation! (they burn!)
– Behold perishing through perforation! (the spike goes right through!)
…and so many more murderous mysteries to solve!

Everything in the mansion happens on a 12 hour loop, simultaneously
– What is the gunshot heard across the mansion at 3:45?
– Where is the bell that tolls after 6pm?
– Why are the lights flickering every day after noon?
…it will not stop until you stop it!

Is everyone in this place a weirdo?
– Clockmaster Sixpence – a genius mechanic who cannot outsmart a bullet?
– Blind artist Trinity – so beautiful and talented, but gets into a sticky situation?
– Brutish bouncer Clay – not strong enough to stomach a shot of pure spider venom?
…they just won’t stop being murdered by staff in gas-masks!

Every life you save grants you a new ability!
– Not a second to lose? The Clockwork Mask grants control over time!
– Murderers whispering their secrets? The Moth Mask picks up the quietest of sounds!
– Ghostly goings-on? The Voodoo Mask opens your eyes to beyond the grave!
…but for every new power comes new responsibilites!

    • 操作系统: Win7 64bit
    • 处理器: Intel i5-3450 @ 3.10 GHz (4 CPUs)
    • 内存: 8 GB RAM
    • 显卡: Nvidia Geforce GTX 660
    • DirectX 版本: 11
    • 存储空间: 需要 3 GB 可用空间


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