
River Tails: Stronger Together is a 3D co-op adventure platformer with a colourful cartoon aesthetic. Teammates must work together to defeat end-of-level bosses and solve puzzles across a range of natural-world environments.

Play either as Furple, the curious and excitable purple kitten, or Finn, the independent fish with a bit of an attitude problem. You’ll embark upstream with these unexpected allies, towards the icy mountain where Furple’s family are in mortal danger. Can you save them in time?

* River Tails: Stronger Together requires a controller in order to play. *

Immerse yourself in visually stunning natural-world environments
In River Tails, you’ll embark on an epic and visually stunning journey across land and water. Explore the flora of uncharted rainforests, immerse yourself in the magical atmosphere of river caves, cross the treacherous swamp (if you can!). Only then will you get back to the icy mountain. On your way, you’ll encounter a wide range of local wildlife – but be sure to work out which are your friends and which are your enemies before it’s too late!

Innovative and constantly evolving gameplay
Your journey will be filled with innovative and fun river-themed challenges. The further you travel, the more mechanics and puzzles you’ll face. To succeed, working with your partner is absolutely vital. You know that saying about teamwork making the dream work? It’s a little cliché, but totally true when playing River Tails.

Nail-biting boss fights
They can be pretty scary, but having mastered the key co-op mechanics earlier in the game you will have all necessary skills to defeat these angry enemies. Just keep calm and work together. Bosses aren’t evil, but they do have some anger issues for which they should really seek professional help. They are very protective of their turf and aren’t best pleased when a lively kitten and a cool-guy fish get too close.

Play a co-op game in a challenging single-player mode!
River Tails is designed specifically for two players, but we didn’t like the idea of a game that can only be played in one way. That’s why we added the LoneWolf mode. We have added a special control mode that allows you to play as both characters using one controller. The coordination becomes between one part of your brain and the other!
This single-player mode is a whole new kind of challenge.



    • 操作系统: win 10
    • 处理器: Core i5-6400
    • 内存: 8 GB RAM
    • 显卡: GeForce GTX 980
    • 存储空间: 需要 4GB 可用空间


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