特色列表 结局刚开始 一个基于聚会的角色扮演游戏,该系列的签名着重于后世界末日的故事反应性和战略战斗。 核心RPG体验 讲述一个深刻而引人入胜的故事,利用动态对话系统和完整的英语配音,让玩家可以选择自己的角色,并吸引该系列的粉丝和新手。 生存在炽热的寒冷中 坐落在寒冷的科罗拉多州的野蛮土地上,那里的生存困难且永远无法保证取得圆满的结果。玩家将面临艰难的道德选择并做出牺牲,这将改变游戏世界。 深度反应式战术游戏 机动车辆,环境危险和经过改进的,更具流动性的行动系统,为战术性但爆炸性的回合制战斗奠定了基础。 组装小队 一个详细的角色创建系统具有数十种技能,特权和怪癖,可根据您的游戏风格对多达六个流浪者的团队进行深度定制。 欣赏风景 重大的图形升级,角色动画和第一人称对话,使科罗拉多州及其轰动一时的景观栩栩如生,并将该系列提升到了新的高度。 带上一个朋友 玩单人游戏或与朋友一起玩故事驱动的合作社。选择可以打开(或关闭)任务机会,探索区域,故事弧等等。

关于这款游戏 In Wasteland 3 you take command of a squad of Desert Rangers, lawmen and women in a post-nuclear world, trying to rebuild society from the ashes. More than a century after the bombs fell, you’re fighting a losing battle to keep your beloved Arizona alive. Then the self-proclaimed Patriarch of Colorado radios, promising aid if you’ll do a job he can only entrust to an outsider—rescue his land from the ambitions of his three bloodthirsty children. You’re dispatched on a desperate quest from the scorching deserts to the snowy mountains to start from scratch, building a new base, finding a snow-worthy vehicle, training new recruits, and fighting your way through hostile frozen wastes. All the while, you’ll have to decide who to trust in this land torn apart by corruption, intrigue, warring factions, crazed cultists, cutthroat gangs, and bitter sibling rivalries. Build a reputation for yourself by making decisions that will profoundly impact Colorado, its inhabitants and the story you experience. Will you be Colorado’s savior or its worst nightmare? Wasteland 3 is a squad-based RPG from inXile entertainment, featuring challenging tactical turn-based combat and a deep, reactive story full of twists, turns, and brutal ethical decisions that will keep you hooked whether you’re a Wasteland veteran or new to the series. Create a squad of up to six Rangers and customize them with perks and abilities geared to your playstyle. You even get your own battle truck, which you can upgrade into a hardened war beast, bristling with weapons, to help mow down your enemies.

成人内容描述 开发者对内容描述如下: Wasteland 3 is a mature game that regularly depicts violence and gore through combat, strong language, and adult situations.

系统需求 最低配置: 需要 64 位处理器和操作系统 操作系统: Windows 10 处理器: Intel Core i5-3.3 GHz or better, or AMD Equivalent 内存: 8 GB RAM 显卡: Nvidia GTX 760 or AMD Equivalent DirectX 版本: 11 存储空间: 需要 52 GB 可用空间 声卡:DirectX兼容的声卡 推荐配置: 需要64位处理器和操作系统 操作系统:Windows 10 处理器:Intel Core i7-3770 GHz或更高,或与AMD同等 内存:8 GB RAM 显卡:NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060(6GB)或AMD RX 480(8GB) DirectX版本:11 存储空间:需要52 GB可用空间 声卡:DirectX兼容的声卡


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